Fold Artist Simon Ford reprints all works!

Fold Studio artist Simon Ford reprinted all works for this fantastic exhibition with Clare Booker at the Dye House, Bradford School of Art. All works which Simon had created for this show were destroyed in the disastrous flooding at Fold Studios on boxing day. The presentation of this exhibition is a reflection of our determination to relaunch and rebuild Fold Studios. Thank you to all who have contributed and commented on our appeal site, the support is important to our ambitions for greater engagement and public access to Fold Studios, we plan to relaunch in late spring with a fully renovated and flood protected studio. visit our crowd funding site at:

Fold Studio devastated by Flood

December 26th Fold artist’s studios in West Yorkshire have been devastated as a result of the highest river levels in recorded history. The near by river surged and burst its banks overwhelming our flood barriers, smashing holes through walls and depositing a sea of mud, silt and detritus throughout the ground floor. The water levels reached over four and half feet, completely destroying all digital equipment, print exposure units, art works, library, paper stocks and computers. All furnishings and fittings, plan chests, doors, plaster walls destroyed. Over £10,000 of losses have occurred through this disastrous flood, this is not just a loss to the individuals who work in the studio, it is a great loss to the community in Todmorden and Hebden Bridge, who made use of the studio as well as to artists nationally and internationally, who collaborate with Fold.

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